Check out this SlideShare Presentation -
This slideshow presentation was assigned to us in pairs. We were given a magazine and a list of stuff we had to research from the price to the sales and where they were sold. Me and my partner Simab were given Q magazine. Me and Simab split up our sheets so that we both did certain parts for the powerpoint. I had 3 points to research.
1. Find 3 front covers of your magazine and analyse the conventions of the front cover and if possible a contents page and double spread. What I did was I went onto the Q website were they had a list and photos of every magazine they had ever released so not only did I compare 3 magazines from October-Decemeber 2010 but I also compared the first ever magazine they made which was in 1986 and then the latest one they did in January 2011. I also compared 2 contents pages and I didn't manage to compare 2 different double spreads but I managed to find one that I used just as an example to show what their doublespreads are like.
2. Who is the main audience? I researched and found another blog all on Q magazine that had a lot of information on it about the magazine that also had information for the website, this blog and the website both said that the main audience was 30-40 year old people, mainly men as the magazine is more concentrated on music then fashion or gossip which, they believe, won't appeal to women as much.
3. What is their circulation? I found this also from the blog, the blog and website said that the circulation was 103,017 in December 2008 and 81,240 of those were from the Uk or Republic of Ireland. These are the 3 points I researched.
The points that Simab researched were 'How do they attract and satisfy their audience?','Who owns and distributes the magazine?','How do you think they have used technology to develop their magazine?' and 'Do they have an online version?' all the answers and information for these questions are in the powerpoint below.
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