In my questionnaire I asked 6 Boys and 6 Girls, ages between 16-22 years of age. All of them enjoy listening to metal along with other genres of music. Most people who brought magazine purchased them monthly and popular magazines I found are (along with Metalhammer, one of the magazines I am researching) NME and Kerrang were also very popular. People tend to only buy a magazine and read the interviews inside if they enjoy the music of the band being featured and some won’t even buy the magazine if they don’t like the band on the front cover. Most people don’t really visit magazine websites as they have the magazines itself but many say that if they enjoyed an interview featured they would be more likely to visit the magazine website and also the website of the band if it was included in the interview. The average price people would pay for a magazine is between £3.00 - £4.00. The two magazines I picked to research were Metalhammer and Terrorizer, which not many people had actually read or brought but a small percentage had, I am still going to stick with these magazines but I am also going to do a bit of research into NME and Kerrang as they were some of the most popular choice for metal and rock music. As for what people look for and like in music magazines and what they would like to see more of, this can be found out on the questionnaire link below.
Questionnaire -
In depth summary of questions 11 and 12 -
Questionnaire -
In depth summary of questions 11 and 12 -
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